Michael Twyman
No. 22: Lithography: The Popularization of Printing in the c19.
26-30 June 2000

1) How useful were the pre-course readings?

1: Very useful. 2: Pre-course readings provided a valuable foundation for everything discussed in class. 3: Relevant both for course and future readings. 4: Essential. 5: Excellent. Very useful, although I only finished one. It will also be useful for follow-up. 6: Very. I read the "starter kit." It was enough information to introduce me to the process without being overwhelming. 7: The readings which I was able to acquire were helpful. Not all of the works were easily available. 8: The readings I managed to do (MT) provided a good introduction to the course. 9: Course reading list was unrealistic -- items were largely unobtainable. A more concise, more accessible list would have been more useful.

2) Were the course syllabus and other materials distributed in class useful (or will they be so in the future, after you return home)?

1: Not much was distributed, but the course readings will be permanently valuable. 2: The syllabus, crib sheets and pre-course readings all contained valuable reference information. The study materials used by the class were fabulous and really helped to cement the information we were receiving. The development of skills and awareness will be very useful. 3: Yes. 4: Yes, and the full reading list will provide hours of enjoyment in the coming months. 5: Yes. 6: Yes. I think they will be especially useful when I have questions later and need more in-depth information. 7-8: Yes. 9: Handouts were very scant.

3) Was the intellectual level of the course content appropriate?

1: Yes. 2: I felt that the intellectual level of the course was very appropriate. I felt that MT encouraged an atmosphere that stimulated an exchange of ideas that was refreshing and enjoyable. 3: Yes. 4: Exactly the high level I expected. 5: Yes. People should have experience or coursework in identifying other print processes before taking the course. At the same time, MT never let people "drown." 6-9: Yes.

4) If your course had field trips, were they effective?

1: Very much so. 2: Our trip to see "lithography in action" was time well-spent. Studying and working with the prints was better understood having seen the actual process. 3: Yes -- printmaking demonstrations helped demystify the technical processes. 4: Yes, and our trip to the art department for a demonstration of lithography was vital and worthwhile. 5: Yes. The trip to the art school was excellent in terms of content. Kudos also to the RBS for stage-managing umbrellas for the whole class before a major storm-burst. 6: Extremely well-spent. Many of us needed to see the lithograph process in order to understand it. 7: We went to the Art dept. to see a lithograph actually made. This was extremely useful in understanding the complexities of the process (which readings only could hint at). 8: Trip to the Art department for the demonstration was quite useful. 9: Yes.

5) Did the actual course content correspond to its RBS brochure description and Expanded Course Description (ECD)? Did the course in general meet your expectations?

1: Perfectly. 2- 9: Yes.

6) What did you like best about the course?

1: Two things -- an opportunity to engage first hand with the great expert in the field, and the interaction with other class members. I thought this was a well-prepared and interesting group of students. 2: I enjoyed the daily connoisseurship sessions. I felt that the hands-on work with the prints helped to really drive home what we should be looking for -- and the excitement of seeing what we were supposed to see was very rewarding. 3: 1. As an instructor, MT personifies what is best about RBS faculty -- expert in his field combined with a passionate devotion to the subject plus a lifetime's experience to back it up (ie practical plus theoretical knowledge). 2. Seminar style, small class size allows for sufficient Q and A time and a pleasant dynamic to develop amazing attendees. 3. MT has a good style to draw information out of "shy" persons. 4. MT customized information to interests and backgrounds of the attendees whenever possible. 4: The expertise of the teacher and his easy and fluent presentation of it. 5: MT's knowledge, wit and good humor. Extensive use of illustration materials through slides and lithographs. MT's willingness to be interrupted, to answer questions was a major benefit. 6: Examination of lithographic works. It was especially beneficial when we each had access to identical prints. 7: I liked the ability to see not only slides, but actual examples of the processes being discussed. Both the RBS and MT's own samples provided excellent resources for this kind of very specific study. 8: I enjoyed MT's lecture style, and came away with a much greater appreciation for lithography -- a form of illustration/printing that I have previously regarded as somewhat crass and commercial. 9: The instructor was wonderful (as is usually the case with RBS!)

7) How could the course have been improved?

1: It was perfect in every way. 3: Heavy on the slides -- perhaps more hands on. More examples for U.S. 4: More comparing with actual intaglio and letterpress examples might help, as well as a demonstration of color printing. However, these would probably require lengthening the course. 5: I can't think of any ways to improve this course. 6: Perhaps a bit more information and history of American lithography. 7: In the best of all possible worlds, more actual documents and less slides. However, given that this is virtually impossible to accomplish in a classroom setting, I think the course is fine as is. 8: More examination of other examples of "competing" processes (steel and copperplate engraving, &c.) side-by-side with lithography examples. 9: A syllabus/bibliography would have been useful, esp. if better integrated with the class meetings.

8) We are always concerned about the physical well-being both of the BAP's teaching collections and of materials owned by UVa's Special Collections. If relevant, what suggestions do you have for the improved classroom handling of such materials used in your course this week?

2: I felt that all items were handled carefully and respectfully by everyone in the class. 3: Book supports for bound materials. 4: None. 5: A bit more space for large objects from Special Collections. Ideal might be a table outside the classroom to troop around. It was difficult to view and handle the "Penny prints" in the classroom. 6: None. Class members were extremely careful in the handling of the materials. 8: As is usual, I saw no instances of bibliographic abuse. 9: Materials were well-handled.

9) Please comment on the quality/enjoyability of the various RBS activities in which you took part outside of class (eg Sunday afternoon tour, Sunday night dinner, evening lectures, Bookseller Night, Video Night, Study Night, tour of the Alderman digital/electronic centers, printing demonstrations, &c.).

2: I felt that the RBS activities were a great opportunity to meet fellow RBS students I would not have otherwise met. The activities were well-planned and enjoyable. 3: Ok. 4: The two lectures were enjoyable and thoughtful. Bookseller's Night, although dampened somewhat by the blackout, was enjoyable as always. The hospitality of the dealers was quite nice (and tasty too!) 5: TB's and GA's lectures were excellent. It was great to see the "Story of Writing" video. 6: Sunday night dinner -- most enjoyable. Evening lectures -- GA was delightful. Bookseller Night -- please bring back the van (even if we have to pay). 7: Though Bookseller Night was a big disappointment (many of the stores were closed due to a rainstorm), I found the lectures very stimulating and the exhibition at the Rotunda most interesting. 9: Bookseller Night was a disappointment, with only two doors open.

10) Any final thoughts? Did you get your money's worth?

3: Do the readings; bring questions and examples with you to relate information. 4: Proper preparation for the course by doing the readings is vital. Previous attendance at the Book Illustration to 1880 course helped considerably. The course is a true value. 5: The course is well worth the money. It is an excellent course for anyone with knowledge of print identification. I highly recommend it. 6: Do as much reading as possible before the class. Got my (institution's) money's worth. 7: Absolutely; I would recommend this course and its instructor very highly. 8: Highly recommended. 9: YES!!!

Number of respondents: 9


Leave Tuition Housing Travel
Institution gave me leave Institution paid tuition Institution paid housing Institution paid travel
78% 67% 79% 67%
I took vacation time I paid tuition myself I paid for my own housing I paid my own travel
22% 22% 22% 33%
N/A: self-employed, retired, or had summers off N/A: self-employed, retired, or exchange N/A: stayed with friends or lived at home N/A: lived nearby
0% 11% 0% 0%

There were three rare book librarians (34%), two archivist/manuscript librarians (22%), two general librarians with some rare book duties (22%), one library employee with other duties and one special collections librarian (11% each).

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